What is the Slazzer Quality Guarantee?

Note: Our guarantee program only applies to customers with subscription plans of 10,000 credits per month or higher.

Our aim is to provide an automated background removal solution that works for all images. Sounds easy enough, but if you have ever done the job manually you know that there are a lot of challenges and they all depend on the image itself. A photo studio background is easier to remove than a complex background with many details. Hairs are challenging and when it comes to translucent objects or reflections things get really difficult. With artificial intelligence, that’s no different.

At the moment Slazzer works for a variety of different images and scenarios. Some users report a 99.9% success rate, others have 4 out of 5 images working very well. A lot of that depends on the uploaded images and the quality level you require.

The Slazzer Quality Guarantee eliminates that risk for you: You only pay for images that meet the quality level you have set.

How it works

If you are an existing premium plan customer (with usage of at least 10,000 credits per month) or are interested in upgrading, here is how it works:

Schedule a call with our Enterprise customer support.

Send us a data set of your underperforming images. We will then analyze the results and let you decide which of the images meet your required quality level. We discuss any questions you may have.

Based on the success rate of the sample set we permanently discount your subscription price. For instance, if the success rate is 95% you get a permanent 5% discount on your premium subscription starting at the next month. This means that you only pay for images that meet your quality criteria.

Note: If the Slazzer team determines the success rate for your specific image dataset is unreasonable, we will look into the logic with the objective to continuously improve, but we reserve the right to make the final decision to offer you a discount as part of our Quality Guarantee program.