Slazzer App
All-in-one AI photo editor
Our AI will remove the background from any image that has a clear foreground and background. (tested with human, cars, animals, & products )
Format | Resolution |
png |
jpg |
*Please note that PNG images above 10 megapixels are not supported by default. If you do not require transparency we recommend using the JPG format.
Server URL:
Request Body:multipart/form-data
Your API key
Source image file. Support only PNG, JPG, JPEG.
*** use only one source_image_ parameters at a time
Source image url. Support only PNG, JPG, JPEG.
*** use only one source_image_ parameters at a time
Source image base64 format. Support only PNG, JPG, JPEG.
*** use only one source_image_parameters at a time
This binary image file will be placed as a background of the output binary image. This image will be resized according to the output image aspect ratio. supported bg_image_file formats are `png`, `jpg`, `jpeg`.
*** use only one bg_parameters
This image from the url will be placed as a background of the output binary image. This image will be resized according to the output image aspect ratio. supported bg_image_url formats are `png`, `jpg`, `jpeg`.
*** use only one bg_parameters
This image from the base64 string will be placed as a background of the output binary image. This image will be resized according to the output image aspect ratio. supported bg_image_base64 formats are `png`, `jpg`, `jpeg`.
*** use only one bg_parameters
Output with solid background color. Has to be HEX color code. (e.g. #72E4B3, #B3D472).
*** Please Note: Add '#' before color code.
*** use only one bg_parameters
Output image format. Default value `png`. Otherwise, `jpg` for JPG format (no transparency) and `png` for PNG format. `png` format support alpha transparency. "zip" for ZIP format, contains color image and alpha matte image.
Default value: false. It will crop all extra transparent pixels
This parameter only work when crop applied (crop=True). Default value of this
parameter is 0px. it supports input value in the following ways
Ex. 20px - create margin all around the subject.
Ex. 12% - create margin all around the subject with respect to the subject
Ex. 10px,20px - create 10px margin left and right side, 20px margin top and bottom
Ex. 10%,20% - create 10% margin left and right side, 20% margin top and bottom
with respect to the subject size.
Ex. 10px,20px,18px,24px - create 10px margin left, 20px margin top, 18px margin
right and 24px margin in bottom.
Ex. 10%,20%,18%,24% - create 10% margin left, 20% margin top, 18% margin
and 24% margin in bottom with respect to the subject size.
parameter support max 500px or max 50% of the subject size.
This parameter scales the subject in the output image. Can be any range between 10% or 100% depending on the image dimensions. Default position parameter value is `center`, unless any other position parameter value is given.
This parameter place the subject within the image canvas. Only works when `scale` parameter is given. Default value is `center`. Can be a single value between 0% to 100%(horizontal and vertical) or two values between 0% to 100% separated by comma(eg: 10%,18%) both horizontal and vertical.
Default value: false. If true it will resize image to 0.25 megapixel. (eg value: 400x600 pixels) 0.20 credit will be charged per preview image. 1 credit will be charged if value set to false
This parameter will return the image channel(red, green, blue, alpha) in RGBA or alpha mask format. `rgba` is the default parameter, returns alpha mask when value is set to `alpha`.
This parameter when given will let you extract the region of interest of a
image, only the contents of the selected rectangular will be considered as a
and everything else will be considered as background and will be completely
ex. 200px,320px,400px,230px - top-left,bottom-right
ex. 10%,15%,25%,30% - top-left,bottom-right with
respect to
the image size.
Should an artificial shadow be included in the output (default: true). Please note that currently, the addition of shadows is limited to car photos. For other subjects, shadows will not be applied, even if set to true (though this may change in the future).
Successfully removed image background
Error: Invalid parameters or unable to process input image file (No credit deducted)
Example :
Error: API-KEY missing or invalid API-KEY (No credit deducted)
Example :
Error: No credits remaining (No credit deducted)
Example :
Error: Api rate limit crossed (No credit deducted)
Example :
Server URL:
Request Body:multipart/form-data
Your API key
Successfully fetched credit details
Input image | Megapixels | Rate Limit approx |
625 x 400 | 1 MP | 500 images per minute |
1200 x 800 | 1 MP | 500 images per minute |
1600 x 1200 | 2 MP | 250 images per minute |
2500 x 1600 | 4 MP | 125 images per minute |
4000 x 2500 | 10 MP | 50 images per minute |
6250 x 4000 | 25 MP | 20 images per minute |